Dining on Pink, Red, + White

I am so excited its the week of Valentines because what other excuse is there to exhibit as much pink, red, and white together as I could possibly want to. I really have a thing for beautiful dining rooms, I love the idea of a dinner with all of the people you love to be around and just enjoying each others company for hours in a simply beautiful room. Here is some pink, red, and white to get you through the day!

Hi, my name is Keely and I'm addicted to pink... can you blame me? How awesome is this room! It even  evoked a "wow!" out of M

1 comment:

  1. I'm not only addicted to pink, I've adopted the moto that I only want to live life pleasantly pink! Further more anyone who doesn't add to my feelings of a loving PINKNESS I tend to dismiss. Oh what I could tell you about PINK!


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