I've been so busy in the last few months, weeks, and days - that I really forgot my birthday was upon me. It's kind of hard to believe another whole year has passed me by...
I didn't want to let today come and go without reflecting on this year - and what an amazing 365 days its been, blessed just to celebrate getting to live life.
This year I continued to grow my business, let it take me in new directions, and have accepted new and unexpected opportunities, I got engaged and married my best friend, my biggest supporter and the love of my life, acquired a new and wonderful family, we bought a house and have started a remodel to make it a home of our dreams, our best friends brought their first beautiful child into the world, my parents celebrated 27 years of marriage... its been a year of amazing blessings and happiness.
Its exciting to be able to have a place where I can keep record of my reflections, and also share it with such a supportive and loving community. Thanks for following along and being part of my life that I so much enjoy.
If my 24th year is anything like my 23rd... its going to be an exciting and unexpected ride and I'm looking forward to every minute...